The Pickup

Bands and new music for fans of the-jesus-lizard

Jack (Let Go of the Door)

by Marvin's Revenge

Hey, We are Marvin's Revenge, a trio from Nottingham made up of Luke Eaton (Bass/Vocals), Oliver Sammels-Moore (Guitar) and Job Gregory (Drums). This track is a personal favourite of ours to play live and is a part of our upcoming EP, 'VR Porn' which will be out on November 6th.

For fans of



"LOS OLVIDOS ETERNOS" unfolds through archetypes that symbolize what hides in the unconscious, who we become after trauma, after surviving. It is an ode to the plurality of the soul, a declaration that we encompass many things, and we don't cease to exist when something specific comes to an end.

For fans of

Do You Compute (full length)

by Do You Compute

We produced this record ourselves and are very proud of how it came out! We know you'll find some songs on here that you enjoy. Please share your thoughts and we hope to meet you at show soon! - Caleb, Tim, and Troy

For fans of

Planet Danger

by Super Kill Me Now

Hey Punktastic! Just wanted to let you know about my band Super Kill Me Now We're a new DIY punk noise rock trio from Toronto, ON. Our debut album just released on March 4, and it's available for free download on our bandcamp. Thanks for your time!

For fans of


by Movment

We produce raw, intense, engaging, and real alternative rock music with guitars, electronics, bass, drums and experiments with sound. We use technology & instruments to produce their sound, and make observations on life and living.

For fans of

Belly of the River

by Dead Mammals

Hi we are Dead Mammals. A two-piece Noise Rock band from Rochester, Kent. We formed in 2020 and wrote and recorded our self-titled debut album at home whilst bored during the Covid 19 lockdown. The album stemmed from a shared love of late 80's and early 90's Alt/Noise rock bands.

For fans of


by Toronto Blessings

Hi we're Toronto Blessings! A Noise Rock group from Barnsley. Our new single LiFE is a short sharp punch to the gut. It's about getting the point across with brevity and sincerity.Life is lyrically inspired by seeking improvement always leading to a feeling a sense of failure, but being honest.

For fans of



We are a band called COME We are a 2 piece Post Punk/Hardcore outfit from London. Born from the energy of being stuck inside for 8 months and producing music made for the soul intention of Popping off at a show. we have a new track out called CONSTANT STROBE, Dark,Heavy and shouty.

For fans of


by Salt the Snail

We are a ragtag pack of fun lovers from all over the country, kinda based in Widnes. Our M.O is to entertain you as much as we possibly can. Our songs are short and snappy and don't require to go out of your way to 'get' them Maaate is about people who annoy us a bit

For fans of


We are Lassiters from London, we make noisy punk rock for your ears.

For fans of

Spirit In The Room

The Spirit In The Room sound is complex and a challenge to categorize, a kaleidoscope of sound... compared to an experimental version of Nine Inch Nails, Nick Cave, Black Sabbath and as loud and aggressive as Refused.

For fans of


Hey! We are DARMA. A Manchester-based three-piece blend of grunge and alternative, with a catchy blast of feral rock and roll that comes with a dark, melodic stomp. We dropped a new EP "GLOOM" and it's out now!

For fans of