The Pickup

Bands and new music for fans of crass


by Class Tourists

We’re Class Tourists, a diy hardcore band from Barnsley, UK. Our new single is inspired by he hypocrisy of war, and how it’s nothing more than the rich subjecting people to horror and devestation whilst they sit cosy behind frontlines.

For fans of


by Class Tourists

We’re Class Tourists, we’re a hardcore band from Wakefield, UK. We create and distribute our music DIY through our label Peek Flo and we are anti-fascist and anti-bigot. This song is written about the state of our country today,with the divide between the elite running it and the people living here.

For fans of

Unload Your Guns

by Bluebirds

Bluebirds are an aggressive post-punk duo from Exeter, UK. They released 3 EPs in 2020, (recorded in isolation on their laptops), covering social, political and surrealist themes. In September 2022 Bluebirds are set to release 'Fortified Whines', their most accomplished work to date.

For fans of

Three Pints

by Bluebirds

Bluebirds are a light-hearted, slightly tongue-in-cheek hardcore punk/grunge band from Exeter

For fans of

back to normal

by Paranoid Visions

Hey... we are Paranoid Visions.... we are the longest serving punk rock band that Ireland has produced! We also have an alternative identity as Steve Ignorant with Paranoid Visions where we have teamed up with the Crass vocalist to record 3 albums and 3 singles!

For fans of

Return The Favor

by Gottlieb

Hey friends, we're Gottlieb! Here to share our track Return The Favor with you. We released this song in the summer of 2020 as a statement on social inequality in LA, but the song took on new meaning with the extrajudicial killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. We hope you'll enjoy it!

For fans of

Clotheslined By A Nun

by Crapsons

Wirral junk punk two-piece Crapsons are back with a brand new single – “Clotheslined By A Nun” – a story of the singer Mike Markey’s encounter with a Reverend Mother of supreme bad faith and unholyness. The over-the-top rope earsplitter hits all major digital platforms via Society of Losers Records.

For fans of

Boris Johnson and the Big Red Bus of Bullshit

by Those Fucking Snowflakes

Our chaotic lefty noise band 'Those F**king Snowflakes' have created a new lyric video for our song 'Boris Johnson and the Big Red Bus of Bulls**t' that we are releasing on Fri 28th August. The song is taken from our current EP 'Straight Wealthy White Male Suffrage' out now.

For fans of

The Ones Who Are Left Behind

by Active Minds

We're Active Minds. You may not have heard of us, but we've been around for quite a while playing DIY political punk and hardcore. We have a wide range of musical interests, and try to reflect this in our songs - so expect some variety. Here's the first track from our new EP.

For fans of

Rear Window

by The Tissues

“Three pissed-off women and one dude on guitar who appears perpetually hungover create the harshest feminist art-punk howl to emerge from Los Angeles since Hole’s earliest 45s.”- The Austin Chronicle

For fans of


We are Crapsons. Signed by link2wales Records. Well known for our on-stage energy, we cross over heavy, distorted punchy riffs with comical, tongue-in-cheek lyrics, singing about everyday pressing topics from deaths, sheds and biscuits

For fans of

The Screaming Love Collective

The Screaming Love Collective is a Psychedelic Post Punk Dark Disco Groove Sensation

For fans of