The Pickup

Bands and new music for fans of new-order

Precious One

by Nylon Nerves

Hello! Fresh from the oven, some new dark and dancy synthpunk from Finland has arrived to dust off your earholes. This song is a title track of my new EP and it is written about the war in Ukraine and wars in general. There are no winners, just people dying. Fight war, not wars!

For fans of

Faking Paintings

by Looney Gloomers

If you dig good old Madchester-vibes and noisy psych-pop a la The Flaming Lips, you should definitely check out 'Faking Paintings'!! It's a song about battling insomnia and takes on a tabu of self-loathing in the 21st century... ENJOY!

For fans of

Possessed Dancer

by Nylon Nerves

Hello! I am Joel and this here is my solo-band Nylon Nerves. Nylon Nerves is a mixture of my love for late 70’s punk, synthpop and post-punk. Possessed Dancer is a poppy tune with punky attitude and it’s about that feeling of freeing your mind from anxiety with dancing. Thanx for checking it out!

For fans of

Spirit Award

Hey! We're Spirit Award from Seattle and we would love for you to check out our new single 'Supreme Truth'. Thanks and hope you dig it!

For fans of