Our music consists of fast, aggressive and emotional moments, and it blends different genres together with bipolar ups and downs.
We're Fatalist. We channel our anger at the injustice, ideological austerity, racism, colonialism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny and animal cruelty that we live in into noise. Our new track "The Sabre" is a visceral reaction to the above.
Hey all. We are Better Than Mending, a UK based post-hardcore band and this is a track from our upcoming EP - Spineless. We recorded by Joe Clayton (Earth Moves, Pijn, Leeched, Ithica) we smoosh together melodic post-hardcore hooks with post-metal breakdowns and doom-filled post-rock soundscapes.
This is Hogueras, a track from our latests album Azabache, a song that issues a claim and a general appeal that advocates a return to the original rebellion of Punk, Hardcore and Do It Yourself.
Hey! We are 70 cm³ of Your Chest! We have just released our second album. Some of us had emotionally hard times while writing ‘When I Was a Dinosaur’ - it was written in cooperation with pain, loss, childhood traumas and grief. In some sense it’s a tribute to the past and a lesson of letting go.
Hi! We are Sudestada a punk/post hardcore band from Madrid, Spain. Last year we released our first album and it's 28 minutes of personal, emotional and frighteningly fierce music. Hope you enjoy it!
Joliette from Puebla, Mexico describe their music as "post-everything" with intricate compositions that bring together influences from post-hardcore, metal, math rock, and other subgenres of punk, in a way that balances fierceness with delicacy.