The Pickup

Bands and new music for fans of DOA


by Saints Of Sixth Avenue

Hello we are the "Saints Of Sixth Avenue" from Kenosha WI. USA. We have a deep love for old hardcore and added a dash of thrash metal. Check out our track DOA.

For fans of

Fuck Cyclists

by The Owen Guns

We are a 4 piece punk band from NSW Australia made up of grumpy, jaded, old silly sausages. The song 'Fuck Cyclists' is about the frustration of being stuck behind middle class lycra clad twits cosplaying the tour de France .

For fans of

Tony Garage

by The Rusty Nutz

We are The Rusty Nutz a four piece band from Swansea, mixing in your face punk rock with ambient soundscapes and surreal rock anthems. This is our new single Tony Garage... hopefully it'll blow your heads off!!

For fans of