In a world where finite resources are hoarded by corrupt leaders who rule with an iron fist and darkness enshrouds all who walk in their shadow, two heroes have emerged to shine ray of hope. With the power of raw, unadulterated rock music, they strike a blow against the tyrannical forces of evil.
Serial Experiments is about Black, a young African American man and his journey through isolation, existential loneliness, racism, love, love loss, the power to overcome, strength, resilience and the fight for freedom.
Hey there. My name's Michael Morris. I'm a musician living in Paris. I recorded this album in Dunedin, New Zealand. I hope you enjoy it.
Hello readers. We are EYEBALL, we come from the Moon. We don't really have a marketable genre and are probably the most un-trendy band you're likely to hear. We make weird videos and bizarre ear candy, and it's nice to meet all of you.