Hi I'm Pryti and this my new song Wasteland. It's about saying goodbye to habits and thinking patterns or people that aren’t good for you. If you like a mixture of alternative rock, metal and hard rock this is for you It's released on my own label Welcome To Pariahville.
Maud the moth serves as Madrid born pianist, singer, and songwriter Amaya López-Carromero’s personal alter ego. First single, "As above, so below," off the upcoming LP, ‘OrphnÄ“,’ addresses the inheritance and circularity of trauma of South European women and culture.
Give Up To Failure is a 5-piece group from Wroclaw, Poland, carrying loads of dark and heavy tones. It’s mix of post-punk, post-rock, a bit of shoegaze and a strong willingness to experiment with ambient. We describe our sound as: "Gloomy heaviness. Alluring darkness. Fuss".
Hi, I'm Queen Of The Static Opera and this song is "Deletedelete", an organ driven, gothic song about ascending into space and wanting to disappear. With love, the Queen.